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Ozone Therapy

Care Veterinary Services

7119 State Rd
Millington , Mi 48746




Ozone Therapy


Ear Insufflation Limb Bagging on Dog mAHT on dog


Healthy blood flow and oxygen delivery to body tissues is essential for your pet’s health. Without sufficient oxygen delivered to the tissues they suffer from what is referred to as hypoxia (low tissue oxygen levels). Hypoxia causes degeneration of many organs within the body, leading to the beginning and continuation of disease in these organs such as the liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, etc. Low tissue oxygen levels can speed the aging process in general as well. Ozone combats hypoxia by allowing more oxygen to be released from the red blood cells at the tissue level, allowing tissues to heal and slowing the aging process down. But ozone can do much more as well…

What happens when normal everyday oxygen gets passed through an electric coil, turning ordinary O2 into O3? You get a super-oxygen known as ozone (O3). That extra free molecule is what makes ozone so beneficial and ozone, as a water-soluble gas, can be medically administered as an antibacterial, germicidal, anti-fungal, antiviral agent.

Ozone is nature’s way of detoxifying and purifying the environment. Negatively charged ozone is naturally attracted to positively charged pollutants and when the two meet, ozone wins the battle. Ozone is such a powerful detoxifier that since World War II, ozonation has become the primary method to assure clean water in Switzerland, West German, and France with the U.S. unfortunately lagging in this safe form of water treatment. It has been said that ozone is thousands of times faster and more effective than chlorine at killing bacteria, molds, cysts, and inactivating virus, yeasts, and protozoa, while providing a purity and safety not achievable with traditional water treatment chemicals.

Ozone is one of the top oxidizers and has been used in Human Medicine and Veterinary Medicine to treat a variety of healthy conditions for many years.

Watch our videos to learn more about ozone and how it can help your pet.


Ozone Therapy Handout


Helpful Ozone Therapy Videos:


Ozone provides hope for Pixi’s degenerative spine

Cello’s battle for a better life won with ozone therapy

Overcoming osteosarcoma with ozone therapy


O3Vets Veterinary Ozone Therapy Protocols



Why the need for Ozone?





How can we use Ozone Therapy in Veterinary Medicine?

  1. Can be used in wound management, hot spots, abscesses, allergic dermatitis, etc.
  2. Chronic and acute lymes disease
  3. Acute and chronic liver disease
  4. Acute and chronic kidney disease
  5. Pancreatitis
  6. Viral and bacterial diarrhea
  7. Adjunctive cancer therapy
  8. Stomatitis, gingivitis
  9. Chronic ear infections, yeasty ear infections
  10. Seizures
  11. Autoimmune reactions
  12. Heart disease
  13. Ear hematomas
  14. Purifies the blood & lymphatic system
  15. Decreases uric acid in the body
  16. Improves circulation and oxygen supply
  17. Improves cellular metabolism


Effects of Ozone Therapy and Cancer

  1. Destruction of cancer producing pathogens
  2. Oxidative destruction of xenoestrogens and other carcinogens
  3. Increasing levels of immune stimulating and cancer fighting cytokines
  4. Increasing levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  5. Increasing white blood cell activity
  6. Decreasing lactic acid levels preventing its conversion back in to glucose through gluconogenesis
  7. Direct destruction of cancer cells through an overload of peroxide within the cancerous cells.


Advantages of Ozone Therapy and Cancer

  1. Cancerous cells cannot build up a tolerance to ozone (helpful when targeting metastasized cells that can potentially migrate in to the brain or bone where they are hard to treat with traditional methods)
  2. Ozone therapy cannot cause the spread of cancer cells like biopsies and radiation therapy can
  3. Ozone therapy is not carcinogenic or immune suppressing like radiation therapy and chemotherapy
  4. Ozone stimulates the immune system & the healing of damaged tissues
  5. Ozone therapy is cost effective compared to other therapies